Allcast APK v3.0.1.6 Download | Latest Version (31.3 MB)


AllCast APK is a simple application which let anybody to cast media to a range of devices and platforms, this application can have in a number of ways which was designed by ClockworldMod and available for free.

Today, there are numbers of applications in the market in which people don’t even identify their requirements until they own them. Due to the capability to cast photos and videos to a wide range of various devices and platforms, perhaps, AllCast Apk be the main app among these apps.

allcast apk

How to Download and Install AllCast APK

Allcast APK v3.0.1.6 Download [31.3MB]

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  1. First, Allcast apk should be downloaded.
  2. Click and tap the device settings. Click to security settings and tick on Unknown sources.allcast apk latest version
  3. Then go to the folder of downloads and open the downloaded Allcast apk file.allcast apk download
  4. Then, tap on the “install” button. You will see all the required access permissions just above the install option. By tapping on the install button, you agree with them all.allcast for android
  5. Now it’s all done

What is Allcast Apk?

Allcast apk is the perfect way for applications to stream. And now consumers have the right chance this program to communicate with computers.

Users can conveniently connect to Apple TV using this Allcast APK, for example, on your iPhone or iPad. It is similar to Android users, as well. Yet choosing to transmit multiple items to various devices between different apps makes AllCast APK profitable.

allcast apk features

It’s an awesome small size suit solution. Users need to open the application to use it, then tap on the Cast button. This is in the bottom left corner. Now you have a computer to choose from. AllCast APK now has the capability to automatically classify something It is in the left corner below. Now you have to select a device. And AllCast APK has the ability to automatically identifying anything that is compatible with your network.

This is a small application of 7mb and can quickly show your media on numerous platforms. As an example, when you are at any function and have a family member who cannot attend that party, users can begin taking photos and casting them at home on a smart television, so, they don’t miss anything. This solves the problem of sharing anything to another device just to see your photo or any other media. This is so easy, smart and instant.


  • The outstanding and interesting feature of this application is it is more than the sharing of photos. Photos are the main media that is exported through this app. And also, it is the easiest too. However various audio files, video files also can be shared through this app. However, there is a small watermark in the videos. It is not noticeable though. It can be identified as a small drawback when sharing videos.
  • The idea behind this application is that users can cast any media on your TV screen. It will not allow you to do it with live streaming options, however, anything that’s saved on the Android device can be cast to a screen, thus saving you the steps of transferring your media to another device in order to play it on your TV screen.
  • Totally free application
  • High-quality media is transferred.
  • Handles photo, video, and audio
  • Compatible with a range of TVs

Safety and Legality

When looking into the legal acceptability of this application, this application is a fully legal app for anybody to use. No, any legal issues have recorded about this application since the entire application is from a legal company. This application is free from malware and bugs as this application has developed from a genuine company. So, this application is safe to use for anybody and free from malware.

Final words

The user interface of this application is very simple. All the options are straight forward and nicely introduced. Users can find shortcuts from the left pull out menu. Options in there let you add your image, video, music, and gallery. It helps the Dropbox and Google Drive folders too. The only thing you have to do is to sync your accounts.

As a whole, Allcast Apk is the quicker and interesting way to send photos, audio files, video files, and other files to the screen. This is a very unique and outstanding application


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